
Chatbot in VšZP advises how to re-insure, whether to use the new Health Wallet benefit

VšZP keeps its innovation engine running – our Healthcare Assistant chatbot provides advice on how to change health insurer and offers attractive benefits.


Všeobecná zdravotná poisťovňa (VšZP) provides the full-range of health insurance services and represents the longest-standing health insurer in Slovakia. In its effort for consistent improvement of client services, the insurer needs to tackle the issue of its overburdened call centre and – more than anything else – the need to streamline and simplify the processes for its clients.


In a limited time frame, we have developed a new staff member for VšZP – yes, it is the General Healthcare Assistant. On the company website, the chatbot assists the clients with the search for  information about migration from one health insurer to another. Moreover, it navigates the clients in terms of their eligibility to various benefits emphasising the new service titled  “Healthcare Wallet”. Moreover, the chatbot answers the usual questions and is also skilled in assisting with completion of health insurance applications.

Try this state-of-the-art communication channel for yourself and have a chat with the General Healthcare Assistant at


We have expanded the knowledge of our General Medical Assistant: She now knows all the ins and outs of the Health Wallet benefit.


Všeobecná zdravotná poisťovňa (VšZP) introduced the new benefit titled Peňaženka zdravia. For the first time in history, VšZP has prepared a comprehensive benefit program for both new and loyal clients, which provides them with up to €800 budget to spend for themselves and their loved ones. Policyholders may use this amount e.g. for medicines, preventive care or even dental or eye care. The financial bonus can be used by each member of the group for various purposes. Each member of the group has €100 available, of which 50% can be provided to any other member in the group. Thus, a single member can get a bonus of up to €450.

We already prepared the chatbot for VšZP back in 2020: Our “Všeobecná zdravotná asistentka” Slovak for General Medical Assistant helped to promote the Health Wallet, motivated the insurer’s policyholders to form groups and subsequently to undergo preventive check-ups. Our next task was to add new knowledge content to the chatbot comprising detailed information about the product and enabling the assistant to present the possibilities of drawing benefits to eligible individuals.


Together with the client, we analysed the most likely FAQs concerning the product, divided them into logical units, and the General Medical Assistant, our chatbot, underwent a comprehensive “training”. As a result, the chatbot has been successfully conducting the necessary communication concerning the Health Wallet with speed and precision since the early days of 2021. It saves policyholders a lengthy online search and explains that in order to use the Health Wallet, it is important to have a mobile app installed or to use the e-Branch, where it is necessary to establish a group of 4 to 8 members. The assistant then accompanies the client throughout the whole process of setting up the Health Wallet and patiently explains who the group manager is, what is his or her role in the group, but also how to apply for a financial contribution. The assistant will also remind the user about to the need to undergo preventive check-ups as the prerequisite for claiming of the benefit. The financial contribution of €100 can be used for various medical interventions at the dentist, dental hygiene procedure, orthodontic braces for children, spectacle frames and lenses, co-payments for medicines, or even specialist check-ups for sportsmen and women – our assistant will clearly and patiently explain all types of available benefits. Moreover, it won’t forget about a detailed overview of reimbursements and the allowance for reimbursement of medical interventions.


Using a chatbot to communicate with policyholders certainly represented a step in the right direction. The chatbot is displayed immediately on the homepage of the insurance company and answers all the inquiries immediately. Moreover, it’s available 24/7, is never subject to mood swings or irritation and always provides up-to-date information. For example, did you know that the Health Wallet group doesn’t necessarily need to comprise only your relatives? Well, this is only one of the things that our assistant will also advise you on :-)

In the period of 9-12/2020, more than 80% of people who decided to communicate with our chatbot regarding the introduction of the Health Wallet found the answer to their inquiries. We believe that the General Medical Assistant will be just as successful in putting the new benefit into practice and will continue to reduce the workload for our call centre operators.

You too can try getting in touch with our assistant at