
Central office of labour, social affairs and family has gained a new „assistant“. And so have users of the website.

We have created a new communication chatbot for the Central office of labour, social affairs and family. „Your assistant“ is there to help you find your way through the complex system of state benefits intended for families and explains available options for job seekers.


The Central office of labour, social affairs and family provides a broad area of services and thus the website offers a full range of information making it difficult for some of the visitors to locate the one specific detail they are looking for. The most sought-after information is on potential job find and labour office registration. The other popular search is focused on state provided financial contributions intended to help families and aid in financially demanding life situations.


Our chatbot named „Your assistant“ has been implemented on Central office of labour, social affairs and family website. A visitor observes a chat window right at the homepage and is immediately offered a choice of the most sought-after topics. This enables a fast and clear orientation from the very beginning of the information search.  First we focused on areas registered by the office as most desired and since then we have consequently updated the chatbot with currently actual information and offers within the provided programs.

One of the most significant assets of the chatbot use is the language the chatbot uses making all the information comprehensible for all users and answering the naturally related questions a user would ask in real conversation. „Your assistant“ knows what to ask as a user and thus offers clear and brief answers before the inquiry is posed. The assistant recognizes possible confusion caused by long explanations and provides some additional clarifications which are not to be found on the website itself.


During the first moth of its use the chatbot served 13 thousand users. Many of them appreciate the immediate accessibility of searched details as well as human approach and communication style instead of reading through broad regulations in formal language. Clients of the central office have thus gained an option of nonstop enquiries and our client has registered decline of repetitive questions directed at its offices.