Chatbots are IN. Our chatbot helps in crisis communication with entrepreneurs.
The Czech Ministry of Industry and Trade represents a central governmental body implementing the policies in the field of industry, trade, raw materials, and economic relations with foreign countries. The emergency situation in recent months in relation to Covid-19 pandemics was a major contributing factor accelerating the digitalisation of the state administration. Almost overnight, there arose the need to transfer communication into the online environment and the ministry was facing a tough challenge of ensuring efficient communication with businesses, trade license holders and the self-employed.
Right at the beginning of the pandemics, we designed a chatbot for the Czech Ministry of Industry and Trade which was titled ‘Mimořádné informace’ – Czech for Emergency Information. The chatbot can be accessed on the ministry website and it provides automated advice to entrepreneurs and trade license holders who had to limit their business operations in an unprecedented and unexpected manner, it explains the latest development, provides answers to FAQs, and responds to real-life situations from across a wide range of sectors including retail, wholesale, services, import or export of goods.

The Coronavirus pandemics accelerates digitalisation and adoption of innovations in general. Our chatbot never gets tired while greatly reducing the number of calls to the overburdened hotline and enabling the ministry to communicate 24/7. During peak times, around 2300 users interacted with the chatbot within a single hour, representing a new user every 2 seconds. The content of the chatbot is regularly updated depending on the latest government decrees and regulations as well as other official sources.
You may try interaction with the chatbot directly on the ministry website at https://www.mpo.cz/

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