A digital assistant with artificial intelligence is an immediate help in collecting data for school funding.
Every year, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of the Slovak Republic supervises the collection of data on school pupils and teachers for the purpose of allocating funds for financing. The data is recorded and sent by individual schools to the Departmental Information System (RIS), while the schools have many questions about the registration process as well as the technical implementation of sending outputs.
Since less than a month is reserved for sending the data to the register, and at the same time thousands of facilities must fulfill this obligation, there is a great rush on the specialized workers of the Ministry who can advise school representatives on the given agenda during the data collection period. Thousands of questions need to be answered daily, which the ministry covers with e-mail responses and telephone contact. Despite the intense work effort, it is not possible for a few people to answer all the questions every day. On the other side of the collection process, there are school representatives during this busy period who are in need of advice on recording data in the system and are met only with either the option to send an email and wait for a response or call the telephone helpline during working hours, which is usually overloaded.
For this year’s data collection, we have prepared a new option for the Ministry and school representatives to communicate via the Digital Assistant chatbot in three different ways.
Especially for new school representatives who are involved in data collection for the first time, we have processed the most frequent questions and the most requested methodologies into a conversation tree. When visiting the website, the chatbot will offer the user answers to practical questions such as access and changing passwords, as well as help with the procedure for filling in data in the most common non-standard situations of students, such as inclusive education, individual forms of education, education outside the school premises or children in alternating care educated in two different schools.
At the same time, the chatbot offers all site visitors the opportunity to ask their own question right from the start, while the answer is formulated by artificial intelligence. The digital assistant can advise not only on the basis of the methodologies prepared by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Slovak Republic, but also on the basis of selected laws such as the Education Act or the School Financing Act. The digital assistant communicates in a pleasant way and, although we have trained the chatbot on professional materials, she answers intelligibly, in human speech and knows the registration systems used by schools. In case of precise questions about the registration, it will also show the user a preview of the system with highlighting of the fields for recording the requested data, in order to visually show the user the progress of the registration.
In case the school has a very specific situation that the assistant cannot answer based on the supplied documents, she will offer the user the opportunity to send their question or description of the situation to the Ministry’s methodologists via the chatbot. The digital assistant will gradually request all the necessary data to solve the question from the school representative, summarize them into a request and send it to the ministry. In the summarization, it will also include a recording of the conversation with the user, including the questions he asked the artificial intelligence.

School representatives receive advice and answers to their questions immediately while completing the data collection. They do not have to wait for an e-mail response from the ministry and delay registering disputed cases. A chatbot with artificial intelligence will answer them immediately, 24 hours a day and allow them to continue working smoothly.
On the side of the MŠVVaM SR as our client, we have significantly relieved methodologists from questions related to data collection. The digital assistant answers more than 1,500 questions a day. When schools send their request using the chatbot, the new ticketing system, that we have introduced, allows the ministry to have an overview of the requests related to data collection and to separate these requests from other inquiries directed at the same time to the helpdesk.
The chatbot is available on the website https://crinfo.iedu.sk/RISPortal.

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